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G200 promotes the global interest in business and investments to every economy of the globe. In the new world, investors will find opportunities everywhere, including all developed, emerging and frontier economies of the Earth. In cooperation with chambers of commerce, government agencies, organisations and promotion centres, G200 highlights the economic and investment opportunities around the world.

ITA Italian Trade Agency

Economic Development Agency San Marino

The Economic Development Agency - Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of San Marino is a mixed public and private capital organization promoting investments from and into the World oldest republic, providing services for the internationalisation of the local companies and attracting resources and talents.

The Agency promotes San Marino 2030, a new general plan of urban development oriented to transform San Marino in a sustainable country by 2030.

GIPC Ghana

Ghana Investment Promotion Centre

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) is a Government agency, responsible under the GIPC Act, 2013 (Act 865): to encourage and promote investments in Ghana, to provide for the creation of an attractive incentive framework and a transparent, predictable and facilitating environment for investments in Ghana.

The object is to create an enhanced, transparent and responsive environment for investment and the development of the Ghanaian economy through the encouragement, promotion and facilitation of the investments in the country.

Italian Trade Agency

ITA - Italian Trade Agency is the Governmental agency that supports the business development of our companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy.

With a motivated and modern organization and a widespread network of overseas offices, ITA provides information, assistance, consulting, promotion and training to Italian small and medium-sized businesses. Using the most modern multi-channel promotion and communication tools, it asserts the excellence of Made in Italy in the world.

Macedonian Chambers of Commerce

Macedonian Chambers of Commerce is the largest independent business association in Macedonia. Established as a non-profit organization MCC promotes and represents the business interests of thousands of member companies and connects them with more than 1.000 national, regional and international institutions and organizations. 

Its mission is to increase the competitiveness of companies and organizations members of MCC, to promote Macedonian business environment and increase sales of the products of its members in the global market.

Seychelles Investment Board

The Seychelles Investment Board (SIB) was set up as the one-stop window for domestic and foreign investors. with a team dedicated to promote investment opportunities in Seychelles and facilitate the processes of establishing a business in Seychelles from scoping to implementation stages.

The vision of SIB has been conceived in parallel with Government objectives and has set as its mark for Seychelles to be the investment center of the region.  SIB is committed to offer first class services and take a cohesive and well-coordinated approach with key stakeholders and economic movers in order to ensure that the vision is met.

Invest in Israel
Investment Fiji

© 2024 - A grand tour to every economy of the globe

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